
用Django编写的自托管FLOSS健身/锻炼和体重追踪器。「Self hosted FLOSS fitness/workout and weight tracker written with Django」

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Thank you for downloading wger Workout Manager. wger (ˈvɛɡɐ) is a free, open source web
application that manages your exercises and personal workouts, weight and diet
plans. It can also be used as a simple gym management utility, providing different
administrative roles (trainer, manager, etc.). It offers a REST API as well, for
easy integration with other projects and tools.

It is written with python/django and uses jQuery and some D3js for charts.

For more details and a live system, refer to the project's site: https://wger.de/


These are the basic steps to install and run the application locally on a Linux
system. There are more detailed instructions, other deployment options as well
as an administration guide available at https://wger.readthedocs.io or locally
in your code repository in the docs folder (make html to compile, then open

Please consult the commands' help for further information and available


Useful to just try it out::

docker run -ti --name wger.apache --publish 8000:80 wger/apache

Then just open http://localhost:8000 and log in as: admin, password admin

Alternatively, there are docker images for development as well, wger/devel
and wger/devel-fedora. Each image contains an instance of the application
running with django's development server using a sqlite database and can be
used to quickly setup a development instance (vim and tmux are already
installed). The only difference is that devel has an ubuntu base image while
devel-fedora uses fedora.


$ docker run -ti --name wger.devel --publish 8000:8000 wger/devel

Then, within the docker image, activate the virtualenv


$ source ~/venv/bin/activate

and start the development server


$ python manage.py runserver

Then just open http://localhost:8000 and log in as: admin, password admin

Development version (from git)

Note: You can safely install from master, it is almost always in a usable
and stable state.

  1. Install the necessary packages


$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev python-virtualenv nodejs nodejs-legacy npm libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev git

Then install the python packages from pypi in the virtualenv::

$ virtualenv --python python3 venv-django
$ source venv-django/bin/activate

  1. Start the application. This will download the required JS and CSS libraries
    and create a SQlite database and populate it with data on the first run.


$ git clone https://github.com/wger-project/wger.git
$ cd wger
$ pip install -r requirements.txt # or requirements_devel.txt to develop
$ python setup.py develop
$ wger create_settings
--settings-path /path/to/current/folder/settings.py
--database-path /path/to/current/folder/database.sqlite
$ wger bootstrap
--settings-path /path/to/current/folder/settings.py
$ python manage.py runserver

  1. Log in as: admin, password admin

After the first run you can just use django's development server::

$ python manage.py runserver

Stable version (from PyPI)

  1. Install the necessary packages and their dependencies in a virtualenv


$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev python-virtualenv nodejs nodejs-legacy npm libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev
$ virtualenv venv-django
$ source venv-django/bin/activate
$ pip install wger

  1. Start the application. This will download the required JS and CSS libraries
    and create a SQlite database and populate it with data on the first run.
    Then, log in as: admin, password admin

$ wger bootstrap

  1. To start the installation again, just call wger start::

$ wger start

Command line options

You can get a list of all available commands by calling wger without any

Available tasks:

bootstrap               Performs all steps necessary to bootstrap the application
config_location         Returns the default location for the settings file and the data folder
create_or_reset_admin   Creates an admin user or resets the password for an existing one
create_settings         Creates a local settings file
load_fixtures           Loads all fixtures
migrate_db              Run all database migrations
start                   Start the application using django's built in webserver

You can also get help on a specific command with wger --help <command>.


Feel free to contact us if you found this useful or if there was something that
didn't behave as you expected. We can't fix what we don't know about, so please
report liberally. If you're not sure if something is a bug or not, feel free to
file a bug anyway.


All the code and the content is freely available:


wger is free software and will always remain that way. However, if you want to
help and support the project you are more than welcome to donate an amount of
your choice.

.. image:: https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif
:target: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=UPMWQJY85JC5N


The application is licensed under the Affero GNU General Public License 3 or
later (AGPL 3+).

The initial exercise and ingredient data is licensed additionally under one of
the Creative Commons licenses, see the individual exercises for more details.

The documentation is released under a CC-BY-SA: either version 4 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.

Some images were taken from Wikipedia, see the SOURCES file in their respective
folders for more details.


Name With Ownerwger-project/wger
Primary LanguagePython
Program languagePython (Language Count: 8)
PlatformDocker, Linux, Mac, Windows
License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Release Count18
Last Release Name2.2 (Posted on )
First Release Name1.0 (Posted on )
Created At2013-01-19 16:34:38
Pushed At2024-05-16 12:59:08
Last Commit At2024-05-09 11:20:08
Stargazers Count2.8k
Watchers Count72
Fork Count535
Commits Count7.3k
Has Issues Enabled
Issues Count674
Issue Open Count168
Pull Requests Count717
Pull Requests Open Count31
Pull Requests Close Count190
Has Wiki Enabled
Is Archived
Is Fork
Is Locked
Is Mirror
Is Private
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